ftimes-xformer - Tranform FTimes data based on user-specified input
ftimes-xformer [{-A|-a|-B|-b|-S|-s} eval-block] [{-D|-d} delimiter] [-I pattern] [-i count] [{-L|-l} field[,field[,...]]] [-o option[,option[,...]]] [-p count] [-t template] -f {file|-}
This utility takes FTimes data and transforms it according to user-specified criteria.
- -A eval-block
Specifies a post-header eval-block to be executed by Perl after the output header has been formed. The eval-block operates on a single line, which is stored in '$_'.
- -a eval-block
Specifies a post-record eval-block to be executed by Perl after the output record has been formed. The eval-block operates on a single line, which is stored in '$_'.
- -B eval-block
Specifies a pre-header eval-block to be executed by Perl before the output header has been split into individual fields. The eval-block operates on a single line, which is stored in '$_'.
- -b eval-block
Specifies a pre-record eval-block to be executed by Perl before the output record has been split into individual fields. The eval-block operates on a single line, which is stored in '$_'.
- -D delimiter
Specifies the output field delimiter. Valid delimiters include the following characters: tab ('\t'), space (' '), comma (','), colon (':'), semi-colon (';'), equal ('='), and pipe ('|'). The default delimiter is a pipe.
- -d delimiter
Specifies the input field delimiter. Valid delimiters include the following characters: tab ('\t'), space (' '), comma (','), colon (':'), semi-colon (';'), equal ('='), and pipe ('|'). The default delimiter is a pipe. Note that parse errors are likely to occur if the specified delimiter appears in any of the field values.
- -f {file|-}
Specifies the name of the input file. A value of '-' will cause the program to read from stdin.
- [-I pattern]
Specifies a regular expression pattern that is used to ignore matching input lines.
- [-i count]
Specifies the number of leading input lines to ignore.
- -L field,[field[,...]]
Specifies the list of output fields. The order of the fields in this list determines their order in the output. Fields in the input that are omitted from this list will be omitted from the output. If the template option (-t) is used, it takes precedence over this option.
- -l field,[field[,...]]
Specifies the list of valid input fields. This option is only needed in cases where the input contains fields not known to FTimes. If the input contains fields not known to FTimes or specified in this list, the script will abort.
- -o option,[option[,...]]
Specifies the list of options to apply. Currently, the following options are supported:
- AddDepth
Count the number of path elements in the name field and place the result into the depth field. Note that the root path (i.e., '/') is not considered a path element for this calculation. For Windows paths, the drive specification (e.g., 'C:') is deemed to be part of the root path. Consequently, names such as '/foo', '\foo', and 'C:\foo' will yield a depth of one.
- BeQuiet
Don't print warning messages.
- CountTops
Count the number of records that belong to each top-level (i.e., left-most) path element in a given name as calculated by the depth function. Note that the 'AddDepth' option is implicitly activated whenever this option is enabled. Once all record processing is complete, a set of key/value pairs in the format shown below is logged to stderr in descending count order.
Top='<top>'; Count='<count>';
- DecodeAttributes
Convert attributes into a human-readable form.
- DecodeMode
Convert mode into a human-readable form -- similar to the output produced by ls(1).
- DeNeuter
Remove URL encoding from the name and string fields, when present. Note that this may cause issues with how the output is rendered on your terminal (e.g., neutered values can contain special or non-printable characters). You may selectively deneuter a given field using the following qualifying syntax:
-o DeNeuter:<field>
where <field> is one of 'name' or 'string'.
- DeriveFields
Assume there is no header, and create field names based on the numeric position of each field found in the first record. The first field name would be '1', the second '2', and so on. These fields may be accessed and/or operated on in a split-record eval-block using the standard notation (e.g., $R{'1'}). They may also be used in output templates (e.g., %1). Refer to the -s and -t options for additional details.
Construct an artificial header from the list of input fields specified in the -l command line argument and insert it into the input stream. This option is useful in cases where the input file does not contain its own header. The artificial header is constructed by joining the input fields (in the order they were specified) with the input delimiter (see -d option). Once inserted into the input stream, this header is subject to pre- and post-header eval-block operations (see -B and -A options, respectively).
- HexDump[:{string}]
Insert a hex dump of the specified field's bytes into the output stream.
Don't print an output header. Note that this overrides all other header transformations.
- NoQuotes
Remove the double quotes that FTimes wraps around each name field.
- ParseName
Split the name field into its components and place the results into the following fields: directory, filename, basename, and extension. The following regular expression is used to pick off the extension:
- ParseOffset
Convert the offset field from its default base to octal, decimal, and hexadecimal and place the results into the following fields, respectively: oct_offset, dec_offset, and hex_offset. Values prefixed with '0x' will be treated as hexadecimal; those prefixed with a single leading '0' will be treated as octal; all others will be treated as decimal. The default format for each field is "%o", "%d", and "%x", respectively. If a different format is desired the 'OctFormat', 'DecFormat', or 'HexFormat' properties may be altered using a pre-header eval-block (i.e., -B). For example, the eval-block shown below causes the hex_offset field to be padded with leading zeros out to 8 upper case digits.
-B '$$phProperties{"HexFormat"} = "%08X";'
- -p count
Specifies a path strip count. This value can be used to strip away leading path components in the name field. This is useful in cases where you want to compare two snapshots that begin with different prefixes. If the strip count is too high, the name field for various records will be obliterated, and that, in turn, will result in no output being printed for the affected records.
- -S eval-block
Specifies a split-header eval-block to be executed by Perl once the header fields have been split. The eval-block operates on values stored in the '%H' hash. The members of the hash are the field names obtained from the header line of the input file (e.g., $H{'name'}, $H{'size'}, etc.). Refer to the token lists documented in the -t description for the complete list of FTimes fields.
- -s eval-block
Specifies a split-record eval-block to be executed by Perl once the record fields have been split. The eval-block operates on values stored in the '%R' hash. The members of the hash are the field names obtained from the header line of the input file (e.g., $R{'name'}, $R{'size'}, etc.). Refer to the token lists documented in the -t description for the complete list of FTimes fields.
- -t template
Specifies a template for an alternate output format. All occurrences of '\n', '\r', or '\t' will be converted to newline, carriage return, and tab, respectively. The value '%%' will be converted to '%'.
The following tokens, given that they are defined, may be used to create custom templates: %altstreams, %ams, %atime, %attributes, %basename %category, %changed, %chms, %chtime, %cms, %ctime, %ctx_offset, %ctx_string, %dev, %depth, %dig_name, %dig_offset, %dig_string, %directory, %extension, %filename, %findex, %gid, %hostname, %inode, %joiner, %lh_length, %magic, %md5, %mh_length, %mms, %mode, %mtime, %name, %nlink, %offset, %rdev, %records, %rh_length, %sha1, %sha256, %size, %string, %tag, %type, %uid, %unknown, %volume, %z_altstreams, %z_ams, %z_atime, %z_attributes, %z_chms, %z_chtime, %z_cms, %z_ctime, %z_dev, %z_findex, %z_gid, %z_inode, %z_magic, %z_md5, %z_mms, %z_mode, %z_mtime, %z_name, %z_nlink, %z_rdev, %z_sha1, %z_sha256, %z_size, %z_uid, and %z_volume.
Note that the %directory, %filename, %basename, and %extension fields are defined only when the name field is in the input stream and the 'ParseName' option is enabled.
Note that the %depth field is defined only when the name field is in the input stream and the 'AddDepth' option is enabled.
If the DeriveFields option was specified, the tokens %1, %2, etc. will also be available for use.
Klayton Monroe
All documentation and code are distributed under same terms and conditions as FTimes.